Kickass Torrent is back...

Kickass Torrent is back...

KickassTorrents is back with a new domain and the old familiar UI

          KickassTorrents is back with a new domain and new identity

Kickass Torrent is back...

  KickassTorrents Makes A Comeback with old crew

Yes, guys, it is true that KickassTorrents #1 world's largest community of torrent network comes back with a brand new domain name and a brand new site. As we now that the site was down for copyright issues and it's founder Artem Vaulin was being arrested for it. But now the news is coming that kickass is back with a domain The site was continuously down for 5 months by FBI and Police. Banning on kickass was a great depression for hole torrent and torrenting community. The year of 2016 was a very challenging year for hole torrenting communities. 
But somehow now kickass is back with their old crew members. The old staff members of kickass regrouped and created a brand new kickass. Now there is a very big news for the torrenting community as Kickass is back with his in a resurrected avatar.

Kickass Torrent is back... Kickass Torrent is back... Reviewed by Unknown on 07:04 Rating: 5


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